LORD HAVE MERCY! It has been a long month. I have NO excuses (at all) as to why I have not blogged, but I have been in a major blogging slump. Along with a crazy hectic schedule with kids and traveling to Mississippi and all sorts of things. I have missed you all SO very much! I have some great things rolling out, so be sure to check in often!
Okay, so back to Kelly's Korner Blog and the Show Us Your Life tour....I went a little nutso and Christmas decor this year. My husband said our house looked like Christmas on steroids. I really didn't realize how much I had decorated until yesterday, as when I had to start un-decorating and packing it all up. Um, yeah. I went crazy. I decorated 6 trees. But you know what? I had a blast and loved every minute of it. And Paisley loved it more than I did. I have a major Martha Stewart on my hands!

Above is my big tree. I have had this tree for 6 years. I have lots of random and very nice ornaments here! Funny story....I was engaged before I met Stephen and we had a huge Christmas Engagement Party. Everyone brought ornaments as a gift. I did not want to throw them all away when we broke up, so I kept them. Stephen thinks it is pretty funny that we put all these ornaments up. He finds it ironic :) (thank goodness he is a good sport!) Anyway, I also love some decor poly mesh!! Easiest decorating tool ever made!!
Griffin's Tree is super fun! He has lots of whimsical and little boy trinkets on his tree. Like this Dinosaur Ornament....

He has lots of pirates, cars, and trucks!
I made these ornaments with ribbon and scrapbook stickers. Superfun!
It turned out really cute and fun! That was the idea...
My kitchen is home to my nutcracker collection. I have around 40 currently. They are my "little men" as Paisley calls them!
One of my most precious gifts is my Fontanini Nativity Collection. I love the face that these pieces are actually plastic, so the kids can play with them as much as they want!

One of my new trees is in my kitchen. It is placed on a rotating stand, which is so cool! I love being able to see all the ornaments up close! I also decorated this tree with red and white ribbon from Hobby Lobby, along with lots of nutcracker ornaments and homed ornaments made by my kids...

I also love to bring ornaments home as a souvenir from trips like Destin, Disneyworld, and also Jamaica.These are all such great memories of our trip! I love it...

This year, some of my girlfriends went to lunch and we made these darling ornaments! They are our "favorite things about each other" ornaments. I found this idea on pinterest and just loved it...

The other new tree that I added this year is in my dining room....my peacock tree. I love love love double heart love it!

Dining Room Decor...

Paisley's small tree. All decorations came from Wal-Mart. Yes, I know. But they have some good stuff!

Hugs from Nashville....
Katie Jane
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