Just needed some time off from the Blogger world. But I have missed you all. I have missed reading. I have missed writing. AND I have missed updating you all. Who knows if you even read this, but it is fun to look back and read about my family and our adventures.
So here is what we have been up to for the past year:
She is my extremist. Loves to be higher and faster than anyone else.
Here she is racing her daddy down a water slide at her grandparents!
She has the sweetest heart. She is pretty kind. She cannot read the word cat. And isn't interested in learning either. Oh Lawd. Pray for us. Ha.
And this one is Bad with a capitol Juvie.
Paisley's First Day of Kindergarden last year. She goes to CPA.
We had a great year and a really sweet teacher.
We had a great year and a really sweet teacher.
Power Rangers are helping her out here.
Paisley celebrated low key last year at Let It Shine! How cute was her cake?
She is so spunky and charismatic!
She is very into dressing up, wearing jewelry, and having her nails painted.
I have no idea where she gets this from?!?!
First Field Trip with CPA to Gentry's Farm
Halloween Trick or Treating
Church Carnival
My little mermaid....
And my knight....
Thanksgiving in Mississippi!
They look so "thankful"...
They look so "thankful"...
Tooth Fairy Comes to Visit!!! He paid in Quarters!

Justin Timberlake concert....highlight of my year!!! Stephen was a good sport!
First big snow of the year!
Penguin Day at CPA....
I also re-decorated this year with the help of my friend Patti. So much fun!

Paisley and her BFF Gracyn. ...
Griffin and his buddy Colt....
My sweet fella!
We became big Predator fans this year! We love hockey!
Britney in Vegas!!!
Loves her Gracyn!!
Paisley and her friend Mary Ely!
Love these two!!!
Griffin's 4th Birthday Ninja Style!
Anna Blaire visits and we see Wicked!
Griffin went thru a Hulk stage!
Love this random zoo pic trip!
CPA Father/Daughter Hoedown...
Celebrating Grammy's Birthday!
Paisley and our sweet babysitter Stew!
Griffin got glasses a few weeks ago! he looks so handsome.....
Hope y'all enjoyed our year in review!We have been busy but oh so fun!