We have had a VERY LONG weekend...Nashville was blessed with 5-6 inches of snow on Sunday night, so needless to say, we have been home since Sunday.I spent the weekend packing up Christmas and organizing the attic. And decorating for Valentine's!!!
Starting in Sunday night, Griffin woke up vomitting his little guts out. It was pitiful!! Broke my heart!! He was slinging his head back and waving his arms, he had no idea what to do! So sad...this lasted 2 days! Ugh..misery for me and him. He started feeling better Monday night at about 10pm. At 1am, Paisley woke up vomitting. Awesome. I slept on the floor in the bathroom for 2 nights in a row. Double awesome!
Grammy took Griffin Tuesday afternoon so I could have a break!That consisted of making cupcakes in this nifty little Babycakes cupcake maker. Isn't it cute? My mama bought Paisley this for Christmas...it works great.I mixed a regular cupcake mix and poured 2 Tbsp of mix into each cup. Then baked for 5 minutes! Thats it!! The cupcakes came right out. Not a pinch stuck to the grill! Yay for easy cupcakes!!!!This cupcake maker came from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Enjoy!!!We also played in the snow, made a snowgirl, made marshmallow snowmen, watched COUNTLESS hours of Barbie movies, painted fingernails, played Dr, vet doctor, watched The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, played Hungry Hungry Hippos, Candyland, Operation, and 2 baths!!!!! And she was sick!Thank you Lord The Goddard School is open tomorrow!!! Yay!!!Xoxo-KJ
All my nutcrackers!!
Crazy, huh?
Cupcake maker!!
Sweet Paisley helping me decorate. I bought Cream Cheese frosting from the store and separated it into bowls with food coloring...and LOTS of sprinkles...
All our mess! So fun, though!!
My own little cupcake!!!
Baking,,,,,and decorating!
Our finished products...
Sick princess....
Building our snowgirl...
And made Marshmallow snowmen!!
Sweet girls!!
I hope you all have enjoyed your snow days!!
I have GOT to get one of those cupcake makers! I LOVE IT!
The cupcake maker is hilarious. I saw it at Kroger after I read your post. And I love your snowgirl. She's adorable!
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